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A Christian response to Brexit

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As I post this article the Brexit debate rumbles on! The lunchtime news indicates that the UK government has held constructive talks with the Irish and there is a glimmer of hope for a deal. Whatever the outcome of the talks the impact on our communities, industries and on the relationship between the UK and our nearest neighbours and major trading partners will be significant. Churches, of course, include both leavers and remainers in their congregations, and all of us need to be aware of the responsibility to be healers to and within our communities. A thoughtfully worded statement has been produced from the Diocese of Oxford which is worth sharing more widely as a Christian response to Brexit.

Dear friends,

Love your neighbour as yourself: a Christian response to Brexit

"But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you... and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its
welfare you will find your welfare"
(Jeremiah 29.7)

We are writing as bishops to every church, school and chaplaincy in the Diocese of Oxford and to
every disciple at this critical moment in our national life.

As a nation we may be about to exit the European Union and begin a new relationship with our
European neighbours and with the world. At the time of writing, the course of events is uncertain -
and the prolonged uncertainty is itself challenging. How are we to respond in the coming months as
the Church of England across Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes?
Six hundred years before the birth of Christ, the prophet Jeremiah wrote to those sent into exile in
Babylon. His words resonate powerfully today. We are to seek the welfare of our cities, towns and
villages in these difficult months. The word translated welfare here is shalom: peace, well-being and
prosperity. These must be our goal.

There are over a thousand churches, schools and chaplaincies in the Diocese of Oxford and over
50,000 regular worshippers. We are calling on everyone to remember the commandment to love our
neighbours as ourselves, especially in the coming weeks. Together we can make a significant

The Church of England and Brexit
Our nation is divided about our future relationship in Europe. Our calling as the Church in these times
is not to take sides in this debate but to continue to be the Church for everyone. There are leavers
and remainers in every congregation, but this can never be our primary identity as Christians.
We have a particular responsibility at this time to speak out for the poorest in our communities and to
act to help them (as the church has always done). We have a responsibility to work for the peace and
the common good. We are called to offer in public and in private a voice of truth and a voice for hope
in the future. The Bishops of the Church of England made a public statement recently calling for
listening, respect and renewal in political life.

As the Church we bring a long perspective on the present debates. We know from our own history
that the United Kingdom has re-imagined its relationship with Europe many times in the past. The
Church of England came into existence as part of one of these eras of change. In a few weeks, we
will all remember again those who gave their lives in the great wars of the twentieth century which
were focussed around conflict across Europe.

As the Church, our friendships with Europe and with the Church across Europe will continue and
deepen whatever the political and economic settlement.

What can we do?
National and local government have done a great deal to plan for a smooth and orderly Brexit (with or
without a deal). However, there is an important role at this time for practical expressions of love and
hope by communities and individuals. The exact needs will vary from one parish or benefice to
another. These are some of the things you may need to consider and think about as Church Councils,
school governing bodies, small groups and families.

Twelve ways to love your neighbour as yourself, a Brexit checklist:
1. Give extra support to the food banks in your area. There may be temporary shortages of some
foods. Prices may rise. Foodbank usage may also rise. Signpost your local foodbank. Make sure
stocks are high, and there are enough volunteers.

2. Watch out for the lonely, the anxious and the vulnerable. Levels of fear are rising and may rise
further. Knock on your neighbours doors and check if they are OK. Speak to people on the bus and
at work. Build networks and friendships.

3. Reach out to EU nationals in your neighbourhood and workplace. This is a moment for friendship
and hospitality and love for the stranger. As we leave the European Union, or as the uncertainty
continues, people are likely to feel less welcome.

4. Make sure people have access to good advice on migration and travel, and qualified advice on
debt and financial support. It may be possible to set up a temporary drop-in centre in Church for EU
citizens or for UK citizens anxious about relatives abroad. Point people to relevant websites.

5. Remember the needs of children and young people. Our schools and churches can be a place of
balance and sanctuary for our children, who may be feeling upset and anxious. The Mental Health
Foundation has excellent advice on talking to children about scary world news. Parents and teachers
might want to use this as an opportunity to demonstrate how different media cover the same story.

6. Support the statutory services. A lot of good, solid planning has been done by local authorities.
Familiarise yourself with your local authority plans and point people to them. Meet with your local
councillors and neighbourhood police officers.

7. Think about the needs of particular groups in your area. Some parts of the diocese have large
communities of migrant workers from a particular region. Other parts will want to focus on the
farming industry and its need for seasonal workers. What are the local challenges where you live?

8. Work together with other churches, faith communities and charities. There are some excellent
examples of collaboration across the Diocese in foodbanks, debt counselling and night shelters.
How else could we work in partnership?

9. Invite the community together. Encouraging discussion about the rights and wrongs of Brexit is
unlikely to be helpful. Gather people to listen to each other about what concerns them looking
forward and how communities can be brought together despite acknowledged differences.
Gatherings over a meal can be helpful as can skilled facilitation.

10. Watch over other faith and minority ethnic communities. Hate crimes and crimes against other
faiths increased after the 2016 referendum. Reconnect with the mosques, synagogues and
gudwaras in your area.

11. Encourage truthful and honest debate. The renewal of our politics will need to be local as well as
national. Plan now to host hustings during the General Election campaign. Don't be afraid of the
political space but step into it with a message of faith, hope and love.

12. Pray in public worship and private prayer for the healing of our political life, for wisdom for those
who lead us, for reconciliation between communities and for stability in our government.

Don't underestimate what we can achieve if every church, chaplaincy and school does something and
if every Christian disciple takes some action, however small.

Don't take on too much either: loving our neighbour through the Brexit process needs to be woven
into everything we do anyway, not simply added into busy lives. Don't be limited by this checklist -
you might have even better ideas. If you do, spread them around.

There are more details and resources in a special section on the Diocesan website, where you can
download "Twelve ways to love your neighbour" as a poster.

Together we are called to be a contemplative, compassionate and courageous church, to love our
neighbours as ourselves in the months ahead and to pray and work for the wellbeing of our

+Steven Oxford
+Colin Dorchester
+Alan Buckingham
Olivia, Bishop of Reading elect
7 October 2019

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