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Climate change theology Talk 5

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The Theology of Climate Change 5. Resources

The final talk of the series was a summing up and an open discussion in response to the theology.

The following list of resources is by no means exhaustive, but represents some of the key organisations and writers that have been quoted in the talks. Many of the websites contain free, downloadable, material.

Websites on the science

The Royal Society

Good introduction to the science, and to the effects of climate change, for example


Fabulous graphics and videos available to download, excellent educational material

World Resources Institute (WRI)

A global research organisation. It produces data on climate change, mitigation and adaptation.

Manua Loa Observatory

Produces a daily bulletin on atmospheric CO2 concentration and the underlying trends

Websites on the politics a. International

United Nations

The Framework Convention on Climate Change:

The Kyoto Protocol:

The Paris Agreement:

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Fifth Assessment Report;

International Carbon Action Partnership

Supports carbon trading schemes (emissions trading schemes) worldwide.

The EU Emissions Trading Scheme:

Websites on the politics b. UK

Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy

Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs

The Committee on Climate Change:

Websites on the politics c. Campaigning organisations

Climate Coalition

A coalition of over 100 environmental and development NGOs dedicated to action on climate change.

An international campaign building a movement around solutions to the climate crisis. They focus on 'creative activism', especially simultaneous international events.

Campaign against Climate Change

UK-based campaign pushing for the urgent and resolute action needed to prevent the catastrophic destabilisation of global climate.

Transition Network

A Transition Initiative is a community that is collectively looking at ways to address climate change through living sustainably.

The New Economics Foundation

A UK think-and-do tank promoting social, economic and environmental justice.

Websites on the theology

Operation Noah

An educational charity to provide church leadership and resources in response to climate change. The website contains specialised resources on theology and climate change, including Bible Studies, meditations, worship material, theological papers and links to other resources. For example:

Christian Aid

Well researched commentaries on many of the critical issues that climate change posits for international development and theological reflections. For example:

John Ray Initiative

An educational charity connecting the environment, science and Christianity with contributions to the theology of climate change and climate change campaigns, including updated material on blogs.

Church of England

The CofE has produced some think-pieces and launched a campaign (Shrinking the Footprint).

Global Catholic Climate Movement

A global network of Roman Catholic organisations with links to additional resources.

Books on theology and climate change

Michael S. Northcott, "A Moral Climate: the ethics of global warming", Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd, 2007 – Examines theological attitudes to climate change, from the complacent to the apocalyptic, and the ethical implications for all Christians.

Michael S. Northcott, "A Political Theology of Climate Change", SPCK Publishing, 2014 – The failure of political institutions to mitigate climate change requires a new political theology based on the common good and fair access to natural resources.

Richard Bauckham, "Bible and Ecology – rediscovering the community of creation" Darton, Longman and Todd, 2010 – Discusses the relationship of humans to the rest of creation and argues that there is much more to the Bible's understanding of this relationship than the mandate of human dominion given in Genesis 1.

Edward Echlin, "Climate and Christ: a prophetic alternative" Columba Press, 2010 – Describes what climate change is and how it happens, and suggests ways in which ordinary people can help to mitigate it. It also makes suggestions for our own 'prophetic alternative' lifestyles inspired by Christ.

Sallie McFague, "A new climate for theology: God, the world, and global warming", Fortress Press, 2008 – Explores the root of climate change in the economic and religious models we use, and the need for an alternative relational identity to the planet.

Alistair McIntosh, "Hell and High Water: climate change, hope and the human condition", Birlinn, 2008 -
Politics is not enough to tackle the scale and depth of climate change: at root is our addictive consumer mentality. We must face up to despair and discover the spiritual meaning of our troubled times.

Dave Bookless, "Planetwise: dare to care for God's world", IVP, 2008 – The biblical case for caring for the planet.

David Atkinson, "Renewing the Face of the Earth: a theological and pastoral response to climate change", Canterbury Press, 2008 – Provides a theological framework for considering and responding to the challenges of climate change, and explores the spiritual questions it raises.

M S Northcott and P M Scott (Eds), "Systematic Theology and Climate Change: ecumenical perspectives", Routledge, 2014 – a look at how our understanding of God affects our response to the science and politics.

"Hope in God's Future – Christian Discipleship in the Context of Climate Change" – Report and Study Guide from the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church.

Kathleen Dean Moore and Michael P. Nelson, "Moral Ground: ethical action for a planet in peril", Trinity University Press, 2011 – Brings together the testimony of over eighty visionaries (including theologians, religious leaders, scientists and activists) on our individual and collective moral responsibility to our planet.

Practical steps to reduce our carbon footprint

George Marshall, "Carbon Detox: your step-by-step guide to getting real about climate change", Gaia Books Ltd, 2007 – How to carbon audit your life and start reducing your impact; how to overcome psychological blocks such as scepticism, fear and feelings of insignificance.

Mike Berners-Lee, "How bad are bananas? The carbon footprint of everything", Profile Books, 2010 – The information needed to pick the right battles when trying to reduce your carbon footprint.

Chris Goodall, "How to live a Low-Carbon Life: the individual's guide to stopping climate change", Routledge, 2007 – A reference guide to calculating your CO2 emissions and reducing them to a sustainable level.

George Monbiot, "Heat: how we can stop the planet burning", Penguin, 2007 – Argues for an immediate and decisive response to climate change – a 90% cut in carbon emissions in the rich nations of the world by 2030 – and shows how it is possible.

Centre for Alternative Technology, "Zero Carbon Britain: rethinking the future", 2013 – Shows that the UK can meet the challenge of climate change and act responsibility as a long-industrialised nation to set the pace.

Available to download or buy online at

Lester R Brown, "Plan B 3.0: mobilizing to save civilization", W. W. Norton & Company, 2008 – 'Plan A', business as usual, will not address climate change; the only effective response is a WW2-type mobilisation. Downloadable at

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