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David Dutton

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Agricultural Contractor David Dutton sees his chaplaincy role at Borderlands as an opportunity to bring a "Christian slant to what I do". A former farm manager, David was already supporting farmers through Shropshire Rural Support when Borderlands secretary David Jones approached him to join the chaplaincy. Born and raised on a farm, David is accustomed to the farming lifestyle and the uncertainty that often accompanies it.

Having had experience of two foot and mouth epidemics and the ongoing agonies brought about by TB, he has witnessed up close the devastation and stresses that farming crises cause and the hardships and problems that are not immediately obvious to non-farming people.

"I volunteered to work with the chaplaincy because I have a lifelong involvement in farming and understand farming people. We come from the same starting place and talk the same language. I like the thought of supporting farmers in trouble. I think that's where my strengths are."

To date David's chaplaincy has been mainly in telephone support. He is eager to spearhead Borderlands' expansion in the Northern areas of Shropshire, cultivating partnerships between farming families, churches and crisis support agencies.

David is a member of the Agricultural Chaplains Association and a Worship Leader.

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